My Moto

Though You May Not Feel Important To The World; Somethimes Your The World To Someone <3 My moto...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Inventing Elliot

This books setting is taken in England. The teen in this book (Elliot) has decided to change his image from being person that nobody likes to someone that is looked up to, when he moves to a new school. Though when he tries he is then chosen by a group that runs the school, The Guardians, and then is told that if he joins then he shall be the next Guardian. Though he was once a boy who was bullied, his future look more as if he is the one who shall be the bully.

(*O*) Yummy... Waffel (#)

This book is one that I read awhile ago, and actually never finished, so if you have read this book tell me how it ends. It was really good so tell me what you think!! =) Also, you may have noticed how the books I read a while ago I never finished. This is because most of these books are the ones I've read before I actually got into reading and I never thought I would be able to finish them cause I was so slow, though now it takes me a like three days to read something even bigger then these books. It just goes to show that if you practice, it always makes perfect.
Again, Thanx

The Roll Thunder Hear My Cry

This is the cover I read from...
This is a book which I'm read in my Literature class (don't tell my teacher I'm actually am not done yet!). This book is a classic and is very, I may say, racist. The setting is taken during the Great Depression and is about a black family. They have have troubles with other whites in the town, such as an event called, 'The Burning' (I think that's what it is called... It was at the beginning of the book) where some whites burned these blacks to death. I'm not sure what the names of the people are but I know it was one father and I think his two sons (correct me if I'm wrong!). The family in the story is made up of these characters; Cassie(who tells the story from her point of view; Narrator), Stacey(a boy; I got confused on that. Lol), Christopher-John, Little Man(more of a nickname), Mama, Big Ma(grandma, technically), Papa, and Mr. Morrison. Some people who reoccur in the story are; TJ and Uncle Hammer. There are other people such as Lilian Jean, though I would rather not say. This book was OK, I would rather read something a little more violent and fun though. Though there are some clever pranks in there though... This book was one I was forced to read so, if its not something you would read for pleasure I don't mind.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Red Pyramid

Book Cover
Fan Made Pic
This book is one I read a little before the author, Rick Riordan, came out with the next Percy Jackson book, The Lost Hero (on another post). It really wasn't the best book in my opinion and I think it could have been better. Though, I don't think I should be criticizing, because I only read maybe half the book. I really didn't think it was good. Well, I know the book has two characters, Carter and Sadie and there father Julius Cane, though that is all I can remember. I was thinking about rereading this book, though I have many other books on my book list so it might as well come last. I know that it has something to do with Egyptian gods and such, though, I'm not sure what the connection is. There is a second book coming out May 3 2011. Its call The Throne Of Fire. I wouldn't care whether you read the book or not, but please comment on the book so I can know your thoughts.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ink Heart

I also read this book in the fifth grade. Though I only read half (page 90) of it and started the book Percy Jackson; The Lightning Thief. (the only reason I started the lightning thief was so I could understand the movie when it came out on my b-day. To my surprise the movie was nothing like the book) I think Ink Heart could have been better if they started the book of with more action. Actually I stopped at the place the action started (and yes a tip, the book starts to get good on page 90 evidently the one I stopped on) I was a bit confused when I read this because the author, Cornelia Funke, would write a small tid bit from other books at the begin of the chapters. I think for readers who are not strong at reading should skip the small info at the beginning because I had a hard time.
Alright, you maybe thinking 'how the heck is she gonna tell me about this book if she didn't even read it?'. Well I watched the movie! Ha... The book is basically about how this man named Mo and his daughter Maggie can read out of books. By this I mean they can read out people and things, like say gold, out of books. Though when something comes out of the book then something has to go in. While Mo was reading a book to Maggie when she was a baby (the book was Ink Heart) their mother/wife was sucked in and three people (hint; bad guys) Basta, Capricorn, and Dustfinger (< he is somewhat good, really just wants to see his family again and will do anything to). Through out the book they meet many people including Aunt Elinor, and Fenoglio. The movie was amazing (*my opinion) and the book must be good. Though I used Wiki to help me with this, so if your not afraid to hear the ending before you read here's the link>

There are three books in this series; Ink Heart, Ink spell, and Ink Death
~Lizzy :)

Percy Jackson Series

So, Percy Jackson is a half god half human (son of Greek god Poseidon). He lives at camp half blood and has two best friends, Grover (a satyr) and Annebeth (daughter of Athena). Chiron is the camp director (a centaur). In each book they go on specific quests for specific reasons. The books are by Rick Riordan. He does a lot with gods from Rome, Greece, and Egypt. There are 5 books in the series and it can get bloody. Caution; If your squeamish don't read! The thing is, I eat up these books up so when the next one comes out it will be on this blog. The books in order are;
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief,
Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters,
Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse,
Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth,
Percy Jackson and the last Olympian,
Read more:

And this year (and last) Rick started a new series about new kids, still in camp half blood and all, but new kids Piper (daughter of Aphrodite) Leo (Son of Hephaestus) and Jason who has a Roman dad (Jupiter; or Zeus). The books are; The Lost Hero, and the Son of Neptune will come out in the Fall of 2011. I recommend reading the books as they go or you will not know what is going on... Thanks! Sorry if I didn't give the best description of the books and who's in them... This book is Highly Recommended to people who like violence, romance and mystery. Also watch the movie though its only based on the book: The Lightning Thief
~Lizzy B. =)

The Princess Frog

OK, this book is very old to me by now. I read it in fifth grade. The Princess Frog is about a girl who kisses a frog, though she gets turned into a frog. Her grandmother is a witch and as you can tell the girl is a princess. I only remember this much but it is a good series, although I only read two book (and read them in the wrong order for that matter) I give the book a good score because of its unusual twist and ending. Actually the movie The Frog Princess was based on this book, though they don't have that much in common. So I still recommend this book if you hated the movie. The main character is named Emma. She has red hair and is very daring. (that's all I really remember) And if you would like to see the movie its by Disney and most people may know the new Disney Princess TiAnna. That's the movie based on the book. Here are the books in the series in order; The Frog Princess, Dragon's Breath, Once Upon a Curse, No Place For Magic, Salamander Spell, Dragon Princess, Dragon Kiss, and the newest A Prince Among Frogs. Hope you enjoy the book.